Grow your company, reduce your work hours
Peer group facilitation and one-on-one coaching for the renovation and custom home building industryDo you want to take your business to the Next Level?
What Is Next Level?
NextLevel Renovators Inc. is simply the best opportunity available today to finally grow your company, reduce your work hours and find more satisfaction in your working life.
Renovation contractors and custom home builders are too often isolated in their own business reality. They usually come up with pricing and procedures in a vacuum.
But what if you could be part of a small group of similar, non-competing renovators and homebuilders who could look at your pricing and procedures as a sort of Board of Directors of your business? Just as you would sit as a board member of theirs?
This is the idea behind Next Level Renovators, to harness the best practices of other successful contractors to bring them into your own business, just as you will help guide and shape the businesses of others.

Rob Koci
What We Offer

One-On-One Contractor Coaching
Our one-on-one contractor coaching for clients provides customized support, follow-up and attention.

Peer Group Coaching
A structured, non-competitive environment where you and your peers solve problems and share successes, systems and processes.
Next Level Blogs
Finishing what you started
I like working with wood. I think I am pretty good at it. The project I am working on now will look absolutely fabulous when it’s done. I can hardly wait. But I also have the pieces of two stalled projects nicely put away in bins, one of which I haven’t look at for...
He who offends you will hate you
I’ve heard this dozens of times; “I try to be a nice guy with my customers. When they lie to me I let it go. They treat my guys like shit on site but I tell my guys, ‘Just let it go. Do your job. He’s the customer.’ I try to lay low and take the abuse, expecting to...